Training #284 – Amazon Ads Success with Bryan Cohen

Please note: This training is from September 2019, and has been updated a few times since then. Our latest Amazon Advertising training can be found here.

Bryan Cohen is the founder of Best Page Forward (a book description copywriting service), a USA Today bestselling author, and co-host of the Sell More Books show. He has been diving deep in all things Amazon Advertising, and in this live training he is shares some of his results, as well as the steps you can take to run a profitable Amazon Advertising campaign.

On this training, we cover:

  • How to create your ads account
  • The types of advertising you can run on Amazon (and which ones you should create and which ones you should avoid when you are just getting started!)
  • The essential terms in Amazon Advertising and what they mean
  • How to calculate your actual return on investment to account for Amazon's (admittedly) inaccurate reporting
  • Book Description Hacks (and other ways to improve conversions)
  • How to get Amazon to actually serve your ads (without increasing your bids)

We also did a quick demonstration of some of the new Book Keyword Rocket features we've been adding over the past couple of months, using Bryan's series as a case study. The Book Keyword Rocket was designed specifically to collect keywords quickly and efficiently that you can use in your sponsored keyword ads, which are the ones that have been the most profitable for us.