Training #318 – Writer’s Block Relief: How to Cure “Blank Page Syndrome” Forever with Joseph Michael
If you've ever experienced the dreaded blank page syndrome as a book author or any of the kinds of writing that you do in your business, then you are in for a treat with this live training because my special guest has a simple solution to banish writer's block forever.
He is actually one of the top author coaches in the world, and we have been lucky enough to have him on several live trainings just like this one for our members. His name's Joseph Michael, and he has made a career out of helping people become world-class writers by mastering tools like Scrivener and by breaking through barriers like procrastination and writer's block, just like we're going to be talking about here today.
Joe actually has over 28,000 actively enrolled students in his online courses from New York Times bestselling authors to full time writers, college students, preachers, podcasters, and everybody in between.
In fact, Joe is kind of famous in writing circles. That's because his methods are known to reveal untapped potential and hidden benefits that accelerate writing careers, which is why writers like to say that he is actually their secret weapon. On this live training, Joseph is going to show you the latest proven techniques that he's been developing this year so that you will be able to get those words to flow easily and steadily and put them on the page, even if you are prone to delay or you rarely feel motivated.
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Hey there. Jay Boyer here. Welcome to this week's live training. I'm so excited to have you here, and if you've ever experienced the dreaded blank page syndrome as a book author or any of the kinds of writing that you do in your business, then you are in for a treat today because my special guest has a simple solution to banish writer's block forever.
Yes. And I actually have the feeling that you may be familiar with my guest already. Uh, you heard him before we went live here today, but he's actually one of the top author coaches in the world, and we have been lucky enough to have him on several live trainings just like this one for our members. His name's Joseph Michael. And he has made a career out of helping people become world-class writers by mastering tools like Scrivener and by breaking through barriers like procrastination and writer's block, just like we're going to be talking about here today, Joe actually has over 28,000 actively enrolled students in his online courses from New York times bestselling authors to full time writers, college students, preachers, pod-casters, and everybody in between.
Um, in fact, Joe is kind of famous in writing circles. That's because his methods are known to reveal untapped potential and hidden benefits that accelerate writing careers, which is why writers like to say that he is actually their secret weapon. And today I have asked him. Just show you the latest proven techniques that he's been developing this year so that you will be able to get those words to flow easily and steadily and put them on the page.
Yes. Even if you are prone to delay or you rarely feel motivated. I think this may be that being the case. This might be particularly appropriate here today, but in any case, I will not delay. I know Joe's got a lot to present to you here today. I recommend that you take some notes. Uh, Joe, take it away, buddy.
All right. Thanks Jay. I really appreciate that welcome introduction and thank you guys for being here with me today. I'm super excited to share this material with you. It's something very near and dear to my heart and has been for really the last six years that I've been working with writers. Uh, I just became super passionate about helping them and seeing these.
Gosh, these small little tweaks, right? I call them like the, the small hinges that swing big doors can really make a big difference for you guys. Now, I don't know about you, but I have always been fascinated by the way things work and more specifically, I studied psychology in college and ever since then, just in my free time, even as a young child, I was always fascinated about like how it is things work.
And I recently heard my. My six year old son, just the other day as we're driving through the neighborhood, he goes, dad, does everybody see the same colors? And I thought, Oh boy, my son is cursed with the same thing that I am, which is I have to figure out how things work. I've always got to ask the deeper questions.
And um, I realized that it comes in handy when working with. Writers and creators specifically because once we can figure out how things work more specifically, the way our brain works when it, when writer's block happens now, there's always this debate of, well, writer's block isn't real and you just got to sit down to write.
But what about the person has trouble making themselves sit down to write like what's going on? And I went on this journey the last couple of years. Of really discovering once and for all what happens behind the scenes. Something's going on where some people feel blocked for whatever reason. And I want to uncover some of the things that I discovered on this journey and have been teaching my students and private clients for the last two years and seeing amazing results.
So first of all, I want to start by saying I am one of you. If you guys are struggling here today, I just want to let you know we could open up the platform today and we can say, hello, my name is Joe. Um, I am a binge writer and you can kind of hear everybody echo. Hello Joe. Now, what is binge writing? So let me know if any of you guys can relate to this.
Now, I was totally guilty of this all through high school. Especially in my college days, and I still struggle with this today where you wait until the very last minute when the pressure is so high that all of a sudden you have this surge of adrenaline, you realize you're not going to meet your deadline.
And so because you procrastinated for days on end, here you are on a Sunday night, super late cramming in that writing session or getting those words on the page at the last minute, and so you, you binge right. All right? You don't write for long periods of time and then you finally binge, right? You throw up a bunch of words on the page and somehow miraculously, you do get quite a bit of stuff done, which can be a blessing and a curse.
For me, it was both because now I would show myself, well, I can still pull it off. But there's a price to pay for this. Obviously, there's a lot of stress involved. It's not good. It's not healthy for you, and you don't always produce your highest quality work. Now, some people are blessed with the ability to be highly disciplined, can stick to their schedule with no problems at all.
And I admire you. But what I've found from most writers is that if you're not experiencing it now, at some point, depending on what you're working on, you usually go through. Laws. Now, if you're not as bad as I am, again, you're blessed. But I want you to know if you can relate with that, the struggle is real.
In fact, I have, uh, like I said, I've, I've have over 28,000 students. In my courses and I've been able to communicate with them and I'm often serving them, asking them questions, learning as much as I can about them, basically just to study and help my folks. And so a lot of times I've asked this question and these are particularly interesting.
I asked this question, recall times. Particularly recent ones when you had trouble writing consistently, how did it feel and what did you do to help? And I'm just going to share some of these answers with you cause I think some of us will relate with somebody's response here. This person says, I mainly stay busy doing other things.
The writing projects go by the wayside until I can't put them off anymore. Right? So there's the binge writer, um, sitting down and committing. That is the problem. I find it difficult to sit in front of my computer and begin to write a, I felt guilty, but after a period of time, realized that I wasn't going to write and remove myself from the situation and just left the house.
So this is your classic avoider. Just leave the house. You're definitely not getting any writing done that way. Are we a trouble starting is one of my biggest problems. It's very frustrating. Uh, helpless. I felt empty. It's very scary. How did I help myself? I walked away, which didn't help the writing at all.
Another person that I procrastinate and avoid my computer. When I get to the computer, I find a million things that really need to be done. That avoid writing. And lastly, this person says recently, I have trouble starting because I feel like I never finished my first book or any book. The entire process is overwhelming.
Now. This is the majority of the stuff that I receive. And then most people think that they're alone in feeling this way, which is also sad. They think everybody else, they imagine everybody else out there just killing it. And here they are struggling to even get anything. Done and it's simply not the case.
So first of all, realize you're not alone. All right. Another one has said, I am the queen of finding an excuse to do something other than right now, if this person is the queen, then I'm the King. Cause I've done it all, rearranged my office, color-coded my books, you name it, anything to avoid the painful part of creation.
Now, one of the things that I did was really interesting. I'm a visual learner and I love to see. Uh, things visually to represent something. And so I took a lot of these surveys, thousands and thousands of words and responses, and I put them into a word cloud. Are you guys familiar with these word cloud tools?
They're really fascinating. So basically what it does is you plug in a big block of text and it pulls out the words that it sees the most. Alright? And then it amplifies those. So check out this word cloud from the questions. And I look at the things you see here. Just go ahead and type in the chat really quick.
Like what words stand out to you? I love seeing this because it's kind of like everybody kind of sees something else there. So the ones that I see that are pretty front and center here is starting trouble. Time writing help, right? Or we could say a trouble getting started. Finding time as you'll see some of those in here.
Yeah. So I've done this through several different surveys, and I think this is going to explain a lot about the human psychology and all the things we share. So let's talk about this and break it down by topics. So first of all, let's talk about doubts and fears. So here's a question that I asked another survey question.
I'm going to show you the word cloud after this. So here's the question. Do you feel good about yourself as a writer? Or are there doubts and fears that get in the way? Are you afraid of being uncovered as a fraud or not being able to make real contributions? So here's the word cloud. And again, this is a basically average of what most people are saying and what words stand out to you here?
I see. Feel, afraid, fear. Uh, think. Enough people fears. As you can see, there's a lot of words here. The biggest ones I see are feel afraid. Um, feel fear. Now, just a little teaser here. The feelings of fear and being afraid. Those trigger something in our mind. Many of you might be familiar with the fight or flight response.
When our body gets surged with adrenaline. Now this is normally happens, like picture our ancestors, when they walk across the lion in the field, what happens? Adrenaline, right, too. And it's a response. It basically shuts off your logical part of your brain in order to give more priority to the parts of like survival.
Well in a writing situation, this is terrible. So the second you feel fear, your brain doesn't know the difference of whether it's a fear of what people might think. A fear of your writing not being good enough or a lion in the street. Either way, it's going to trigger this response in your body. Now this can also be known as the deer in the headlights.
Also known as writer's block. So it's a very real thing. And these doubts and fears that we have that are constantly nagging us in the background, they really do affect us. So that's one element. Now, let's jump into our time. This is another one that people struggle with quite a bit. So the question was, talk about a time as something that hampers your writing.
Do you have too much, too little, or is it just badly managed? Now, here's the word cloud. What do you see here. So what I see is writing time badly managed. All right. And then there's a lot of other words that pop up here to, uh, manage. Um. Think work a family. You see these things that have like all these different things.
And of course these surveys are fascinating to read and some will just flat out break your heart. All right? So I took all of these and I thought there has to be a solution. Like how can we get to the bottom of this? Being aware is step one, what we monitor, we can improve, right? And so just being aware that these things happen is great, but how can we use them.
To our advantage. How can we actually use them as a tool? And that's when I did some research and uncovered this pain versus pleasure principle. Now this is nothing new. This is, people have studied this far smarter than me for centuries, and basically it goes like this. We gravitate towards things that give us pleasure, obviously, and avoid things that cause pain.
Pretty simple, right? But to the links that we avoid, things that cause pain is a little bit disturbing sometimes and can cause us problems when it comes to our careers. So when we look at it in terms of writing. All right. The pleasure of not writing is usually pretty high, isn't it? So we've either got writing or not writing, and most of the time, writing feels painful and not writing feels pleasurable.
Now, if we look at this other scale, we've got to make the pain of not writing be greater than the pain of sitting down and actually doing the work. And so how can we do that? That was my whole goal in uncovering this problem. How can we increase the pain of not writing? Right? So it's like this, this illustration here, as long as you've got this carrot in front of the donkey, right?
It's right in front of him. He believes he can get it. If it's too hard, we give up. And so think about that as we go along. And now you might be wondering why deadlines work so well. So when I was doing this, been writing stuff in college, well, all of a sudden the pain of not getting that assignment done, the humiliation of coming into class without my assignment finished or a bad grade, the pain became higher.
So now I was able to sit down and do the work. Now let's go through a little exercise. Let's do this together. Shall we. This is a proven technique to answer these three questions that what they do in our brain is they literally amplify the pain. And increase the pleasure. So we can actually use this powerful tool called our brain to help us do this.
And so I'm going to go through this exercise, we're gonna do it together, and then I'll explain how it works. And I want you to use this anytime you feel stuck in your writing or creative process. Alright. So question number one, and I want you to respond in the chat here. Uh, question number one, what has your lack of consistent writing, procrastination, writer's block, et cetera, cost you in the past?
So go ahead and take a minute. Think about that. I'm gonna grab a quick drink type that in there. Now, this doesn't necessarily have to be writing. This can be creating whatever it is you're working on.
All right, so coming back here, once you think through that, you realize. There is a pain associated with this. Right? And when I asked this question to a lot of my students, I got chills from some of the responses. Now I see some of your guys' responses here. Um. Too much stuff, getting lost, miss deadlines.
Uh, failure to finish or publish a book. It costs self-esteem, loss of faith by others due to delays in producing output, feeling of failure, lack of confidence in potential income. Nearly cost me a degree. Someone else says, opportunity to meet an editor. Money, self-esteem, moving forward, accomplishing a goal.
Opportunity. Several books. Um. So many things here. Uh, another, some other people said, um, respect, peace of mind. Some other answers that I've gotten here was ideas stolen by others. Happiness, freedom, a marriage, a ministry, untold pain. So you guys, the stakes are high, aren't they? I couldn't believe this when I was asking my students this as sort of an experiment just to learn more.
But what I found literally just gave me chills and made me realize, we've got to put a stop to this. Like this is costing us a lot. Right? And that's kind of the second question that I'm going to go into here. And it's similar, but it's also very important. Now, the second question is this, what will it cost you in the future, if not fixed?
So take a couple seconds, think about that and type that in the chat as well.
All right. So for many of you, it's going to be much of the same, isn't it? So some other response that I've received here is in the future, if I don't get this fixed, it'll cost me an absolute waste of a lifetime, my honor and self esteem, feeling like a total failure. Many years of frustrated, hope, disappointment, and feelings that I could have been a contender if I'd only broken through this overwhelming apathy, distraction, and procrastination.
Um, nothing published. Total giving up, purposeless existence, meaningless. Another person says, my life, uh, loss of income, retirement income. Um, very sad. Like, like all things never happen. A different life for my family. I will be visited by ghost, went on my death bed. Oh, I mean, you guys, does that not give anybody else chills?
So we've identified the cause cost us a lot in our past, right? And we know that it's going to cost us a lot in our future if we don't get it fixed. Now question number three. If writing consistently suddenly became easy, what would it mean for the people you love? What would it mean for your reputation and legacy?
What would you gain? So take a few seconds, brainstorm this one out. Again, this is all part of the exercise process. I promise you this is going to help you.
Oh, thank you guys for participating. By the way, I know this can be difficult and challenging sometimes, but some of the answers here, a sense of achievement. It would make me able to die in peace. Belief in myself. Others will believe in me. Profit, income, I'd feel major accomplishment, security of a longterm income, priceless.
I'd be able to live without regret. Uh, finally finishing the book I've been talking about, let's see, a good modeling for my kids to follow their purpose and dreams. Bright light appears. I love that. Uh, resurrection. A new sense of purpose, hope and joy. Income for my family, novels completed and a reputation enhanced.
I'd be able to leave a legacy for my kids. Peace and purpose. God will be pleased. Oh my goodness, you guys. Thank you so much for being. Being so interactive here. Now, let me remind you of something. One of my favorite quotes here from Marcus really is he says, if you are distressed by anything, anything external, the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your own estimate of it and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.
How powerful is that, right? So we actually have the ability to take what we've lost in the past, what we know we'll lose in the future if we don't fix it and change it. So these are the tools and the next few minutes of times we have together here, these are the tools that I want to share with you in order to help you.
Make that lasting impact, help you do all of those things that you want in the future. As you can see, the stakes are high, and so we've got to fix this and you've already started because here's the theory. Here's the deal. The next time you start putting it off, I want you to remember your answers to questions one and two, what it costs you in the past and what it will cost you in the future.
And by remembering those two things, you've already elevated the pain of not doing the work that you know you should do. You've elevated that pain and you're increasing the pleasure by thinking about what you will accomplish. So many times we get stuck in just the moment. We believe the lie of the moment, which is, Hey, right in this moment, it would feel better if I just went and watched some YouTube videos instead of doing my most important work.
But if you go, Oh wait, let me remember what Joe was telling me. Oh yeah, that's going to actually cost me a lot. So you might double think it. Now, here's four lies that I've also discovered that struggling writers tell themselves that keep you from writing. So if you're still struggling through this, I want you to catch yourself before you tell yourself these lies.
Number one, I can't find time to write. Anybody said this one. I would write more if I could just find big blocks of time, right? We search for time, like it's this elusive creature that we've got to find. You know, there is, I've found it time to write. I finally have it. I told myself this for years, tomorrow I'll have more time when the kids are older, I'll have more time.
When I quit my day job, I'll have more time. There's always something. We've got to find that time, but the problem lies in this small little. A part that I said before this, and that was the, uh, big blocks of time. That's what we're really searching for, isn't it? We think we need to have big blocks of time, but it's really this myth.
We don't need big blocks of time. In fact, those are much harder to find. But what if you could find 10 minutes? What if you could find 15 minutes that doesn't sound as hard, does it? And you'd be amazed at how those 10 or 15 minutes can add up. And we'll talk more about that as we go. All right, so number two, I'm not ready.
Or let's say I need to do more research or I need to be more prepared. Anybody ever struggled with this one? You feel like, well, I will start doing this thing when you know, I've got to just do a few more searches on Google or I'm not expert enough, right? Why would anybody listen to me. And so these are all things we tell ourselves.
So catch yourself before you believe these lies. Number three, I'm waiting until I feel like it. All right. This is the one we all wish would happen. We've had those moments where we do actually feel like doing our work and it feels great. Our momentum is flowing. We actually feel like it. We've got a great idea.
But those are the exception. Those are definitely not the norm. Or waiting for inspiration, waiting for the great idea, waiting for more energy, waiting to be in the mood. Okay? We would all love it if these things happen, but more often than not, they don't. But here's the secret. You guys. Well, actually taking action.
You can give yourself inspiration. You can give yourself more energy and you can improve your mood, but it all starts with action first. See, we have to flip it on our head, our number four. I need to finish other things first. I mean, you guys have ever said that, well, I've got this huge pile in my inbox.
I've got to go through that first because I can't think clearly if that isn't happen first or I've got to clean up my office because a messy desk that messes up my creativity. I've got to do that first. Or there's these other things on my to do list. I've got to do those first and somehow our writing, our creative time or productivity always gets better.
Put off and put off and put off and sooner or later you wind up going, Oh my gosh, where did the last five years ago or the decade go? Or where did my life go? And so we've got to stop believing these lies. You've got to catch yourself. Now, let me talk to you about the RAs system. Now this is a little behind the scenes, sorry for the the geek out moment here, but this is what's happening in the brain.
It's called our reticular activating system, and this is part of our limbic system, and it's very real. And this is how it works, and this is how it can affect us. Writers, creatives, knowledge workers of any kind. So what this does is it monitors information. Constantly. All right? It's looking at our environment, scanning our potential threats, basically every two seconds since the moment we were born.
Now what this RAs particularly does is it switches control. Between our prefrontal cortex, which is the front portion of our brain, which helps us to create, it helps us to think logically. It's really the part we need to do our writing or creating. Okay. And our limbic system, which is what I talked about earlier, which is the fight or flight response.
Okay. And once that kicks in, our prefrontal cortex is turned off. You can't have both on at the same time. Like I said, this helps. This helps us a lot when we see a threat, right? This can save our life, but it can also cripple our career. So you have to understand how this works. And I guarantee you, when you go about your work in the coming days and weeks, you'll start to realize when this is happening, okay?
So basically when your brain perceives a threat. What it's going to do is it's going to flip that switch. Now, again, this has happened. This is a biological response. It can happen when you see a snake. All right? Okay? It's very real response. When you see a snake, when you're walking through the woods, it's also a very real response when you're learning a new skill, okay?
When you're learning something new, you know how it feels difficult. Uh, and that's basically goes for anything that feels hard, uh, learning of any kind. And you know what else. Writing. Okay. Because a lot of us, we come to the writing table, the creation table all ready. Engage with our limbic system already turned on because of, let's say, past failures because of past, uh, commitments that we failed to keep to ourselves.
We've damaged our trust in our own, uh, subconscious. We come to the table with a negative reviews. Maybe your college English teacher told you you'd never amount to anything. We've all got stories, and so a lot of times we come with it already engaged. Which means we come already with it, disadvantaged to sit down and do the work.
We've already got to fight through all of this, don't we? So what I want you to remember from this graphic here is if the prefrontal cortex is turned off and the limbic system is turned on, you literally have a case of writer's block. You're blocked. You hear prefrontal cortex is off, and that's the reason why it's so hard.
Now, the solution, let's talk about this. It's very, very simple. Okay. A planned regular writing schedule. I know. That's very anticlimactic, isn't it? You were hoping I was going to give you some sort of a tactical tool or app or something you could slap on your brain that makes you right. Now, this is the closest thing to that though, because here's the deal.
Number one, if we can develop a consistent writing schedule, that number too, we start small enough that it feels silly. Okay? It almost feels stupid. I say stupid small, and I say that on purpose. And number three, if you get accountability, if you do those three things, you can literally, what I've found from all my research and working with hundreds and thousands of writers, you can literally almost guarantee that you'll make.
Progress. Here's the whole underlying foundation. It's better to make a small commitment that you can keep than a grand commitment that you can honor. So it's much better if you say, I'm going to sit down and write today for 15 minutes and keep that commitment than it is to say, I'm going to show up and write for an hour.
But you don't. Keep that commitment. All right? It's very important to build trust with your subconscious and also important for us to forgive ourselves for our lack of progress in the past. All right? We've got to draw a line in the sand and say, that's it. I'm forgiving myself. Today's a new day. I'm going forward.
As you've heard it said before, showing up isn't half the battle. It is the battle. So once you realized that. That was kind of the starting point. I reverse engineered everything from that point. So if showing up really is the battle, let's stack the decks in our favor and find out how we can get ourselves to simply show up, right?
If we can do that, everything else fixes itself. So that's our highest leverage point. I don't want to lead you into this, uh, scientific study here. All right. Now this is fascinating. If we watch the results of what happened, basically, they brought together a, uh, three groups of people, and this was a study of basically writing strategies among those who struggle with writing.
There's three groups. We've got an abstinent group. These are the people that were literally told not to write. Okay. They said, just don't do any writing. Number two, we've got the spontaneous group. Now, this group was told to only write when they felt inspired, and then number three, we've got the force group.
This group was told to write on a schedule. If then what the researchers did was they monitored two things, the amount of pages written and the amount of creative ideas. That occurred between these three groups. All right. Now let me just dive straight into the results. First, let's start with the amount of pages written per day.
Okay. Between each group, check this out. So the amount of pages per day written. All right. The group that was forced to write on a schedule, they wrote three and a half times more than the other groups. All right. Which is interesting that the abstinent group that was still told not to write, that they still even have a little bit, they're interesting, right?
We've just got some rebels in the group there, but they wrote three and a half times more pages per day. Which makes sense. They were forced to. Right. Okay. But what can we also, what conclusion can we also draw from this? Inspiration is definitely overrated, especially when it comes to progress. Waiting around for progress or inspiration is not the way to make progress.
All right? Now let's talk about the number of days between creative ideas. Alright, so the number of days between those who had a creative idea. For the abstinent group, the group that was told not to write five days for them to get a creative idea for the group that only wrote when they were inspired.
Two days between them getting the creative idea and for the forced group, they got to write, they got to create an idea every day because they were writing. Interesting, isn't it? So what conclusion can we, can we draw from this? Writing breeds good ideas for writing. It's interesting. So action first. Then we get the ideas, not the other way around.
Most people want to wait for ideas, then take action. But the way to get ideas is to take action. So the study concluded with saying. The forced writing group, those who wrote on a schedule, they wrote more pages and they had more creative ideas, which if you think about it, they're writing more pages.
They're getting more creative ideas. Isn't that what we call momentum? Then they have more ideas, which fuels them to write more pages, which gives them more ideas and so forth. Pretty interesting. Right? So. To sum that up. Writing brings good ideas for writing, and inspiration comes through diligence.
Scheduling, not random daydreaming or sitting around waiting for inspiration. Now let's talk about this. Start small enough that it feels silly. So if you think about your RAs system, what happens is when you say, I'm going to sit down and write for an hour today, that sounds hard, doesn't it? It's like if you told yourself right now, and let's try this little experiment, go ahead and take the, uh, take your index finger or any finger really, and just touch the top of your nose.
Good. Just reach up. Touch the top of your nose. Pretty simple right now, most of you probably did it, and here's why. It was really easy. It only took you in an effort. But what if I told you, all right, I'm going to pause the webinar here and I want you to get on the ground. I want you to go ahead and do five pushups.
I'll wait. How many do you think would actually do it? Probably not. Not many. Cause you're like, okay, nobody's going to see me if I do. I don't want to do that. That's painful. I'm not, I'm not doing that Joe. Now that's the same thing when we say, I need an hour to writer, I'm going to write all day. It feels a lot harder.
Well, what happened behind the scenes? Your RAs kicked in and said, no, I don't think so. We're not going to do that. That feels hard, right? That feels. Too overwhelming. That's another buzzword. When we start to feel overwhelmed. Your RAs flips the switch. Your limbic system is engaged. Prefrontal cortex is turned off.
End of story. Writer's block happens. You're going to procrastinate. You'll do anything else other than right. Okay. Some, like we saw in the very beginning were even just leaving the house, leaving the scene altogether. So what's the solution? What if you told yourself, just like taking your finger and touching your nose with it?
What if you told yourself, my only goal today is to write for 10 minutes? That feels easy, doesn't it? The limbic system never even asked to show up because he thinks, I don't see any threat here. Nope, no threat here. 10 minutes. That's easy. And now I know what you're thinking. How am I supposed to make progress on my goals with only 10 minutes?
Well, just like that forced writing group, if you go every day. Your days between creative ideas. You're going to get a lot of ideas and you're also going to get a lot of momentum. Just like if you were to say, all right, my only workout goal is to get down and do one pushup per day. How many days do you think you might, you might just end up doing more than one because while you're down there, maybe you might as well crank out too.
Some days you might crank out 10 very similar with sitting down to write. If your only goal is to show up and do 10 minutes, you might just sit down and do 15 you might even get an idea and continue on for an hour for some days if the whole trouble is getting started. We've got to stack the deck in our favor of helping ourselves start.
And so that is what I've spent the entire last two years helping writers do was stack the deck to help them to start. And that's where our second part comes in. Or our third part, sorry, is the accountability. Now, before we dive into that, I want to share with you just a quick quote from Merriam Queens who talks about this principle of starting small enough that it feels silly now.
This is what she said, giving myself permission to write even for a short time and not waiting for perfect conditions. For for writing provided me with just the impetus I needed to get moving. They've been stuck for quite a while. Not even sure which project to work on first. Anybody ever felt that? So I was paralyzed and didn't write at all.
Let's dissect that for a minute. All right. She was overwhelmed, not sure which project to work on. First. Overwhelm equals what? Limbic systems engaged, which equals what prefrontal cortex turned off. And she said it right here. So I was paralyzed and didn't write at all. So let's go onto the next part here.
She says, this is what this is. What happened to us was her, uh, prescription, so to speak. Miriam started writing every day that she planned to write. She says, I started out with only 10 to 15 minutes, but I've learned that I can write one page in 15 minutes. Just the fact that I write a little every day keeps the novel in my mind so that by the next day I sit down to write the next page or more is already there in my head ready to be typed.
Whether I've consciously thought about it or not. Going up for 10 to 15 minutes a day, moved Miriam from being stuck on page 52 to completing her novel, 10 to 15 minutes a day. That was the prescription and she finished her novel. Interesting. Isn't it? Alright. Real quick, we're wrapping up here. Let's talk about accountability.
Now. This is the secret sauce. Everything that I've taught, I've developed over 10 different courses for writers, and I would monitor the results. Some would get results in some way, and every time I looked at it, I thought, what's the missing ingredient here? And this is what I stumbled upon. And here's why.
Take a look at this graphic. Remember when we talked about the pain of not writing, how we've got to elevate that. Right? Well, when you add this component of accountability that makes the pain of not writing, literally blast through the roof. Rather than just sitting down to write. When I was in high school, I wanted to start, I was playing sports.
I was a pretty scrawny guy, so I wanted to beef up a little bit, right? I wanted to gain some muscle, so I joined a gym and I asked a friend to join with me and we wanted to go before school. We were going to go lift weights before school. This was like a 6:00 AM a teenager. Waking up at 6:00 AM is just not, not a good thing.
Right? And I kept trying to go to the gym on my own, but I would sleep in, I would make excuses, but when I asked a friend to join me, I knew he was driving. He was waking up early. He was sitting in the parking lot waiting for me. Those days when I would have rolled over and gladly hit the snooze button, I didn't do it.
I the pain of my friend being disappointed or me abandoning him and him sitting in the parking lot going, man, I got up and Joe was too lazy and sleeping and he didn't show up. That pain got me there and we made progress. It was only because of the accountability. So I remembered that and then had to do another word cloud.
Right? So my last word cloud here, I want you to see the words that you, that you see here. Now, this was, this was a question of what do you need in order to really make writing happen? And a lot of people, these were some of the words that bubbled up. Deadline, need support, group, accountability. Consistency.
All right? And so what I found is. I love this quote too. It says there's commitment. We've got the initial commitment, right? I'm going to commit to finishing my novel this year. I'm going to commit to getting in better shape, whatever it is. Then what we've got on the other side is the results. So we start with the commitment.
Many of us make those commitments on January, those new year's resolutions, and then what happens. We got to get to the results, but we fizzle out somewhere in February, March. Right? So what is going to get us from that commitment to the results? Everything I've researched points to one thing, accountability.
And Bob Proctor said it best in this quote where he said, accountability is the glue that ties the commitment to the result. Fascinating, isn't it? The glue that ties the commitment to the result. And so that is the key. Those three things right there is the prescription. For making ourselves show up to right when we don't feel like it, when we're not in the mood, when we have fears, mental struggles, if we just, it's really simple, isn't it?
All we need to do, it's amplify the pain. We can do that through remembering what it's cost us in the past, what it's going to cost us in the future. And if you really want a guarantee. But you'll show up. Accountability is that third key. And now, real briefly, something I'm super excited about over the last year is I experimented with this and I thought, what if just like I did back in the day in my high school days, what if I started a writing group.
Where our only goal was to show up and write. And what if I did it live with these folks and them showing up. I had to show up because I will. Heck, I'm the host. It's so, I sort of did it for me first, and what I found was amazing. The results, just like the one I read to you from Miriam over and over and over again, uh, from folks who, what we would do is we'd, we'd start up with a small little group and I invited a few friends, about 10 of us.
And I said, I'm just going to play a timer for us guys for an hour. I'm going to mute my microphone. You guys do the same. Let's just focus for 60 minutes, no distractions, and let's write. And we would talk about afterwards we'd go, Oh my gosh, I made a huge amount of progress. I wasn't distracted. I thought about jumping out to YouTube or Facebook, but I knew you guys were sitting here writing and focused.
So I kept going. Yeah, have been, I invited more people and more people, and now today. We've got this group called Unchained writer, and I called it Unchained writer because we all have these chains. We've got these things that it's cost us. In the past, we've got these mental hurdles, these past failures, voices in our head.
It's time to break the chains. And my whole goal with this group has been to break these chains and now we've got hundreds of writers doing the same thing. And it's just fascinating. What started as a group from, uh, just one time a week. With myself merged into this, uh, seven days a week, writing sessions every day.
People making breakthroughs every single day. And so that's it. Just to sum up the presentation today, it can be very simple. If you'd like more information about this group. I've called it Unchained writer and, uh, I wanted to provide a special invitation for you guys where you can come and join us, uh, and save 42% today.
Now there's all psychology baked into this group. Okay. First of all, it's a monthly fee on purpose. But it's small enough. Normally it's about $47 but today we're slashing that in half. Basically. You can join for 27 but that's just expensive enough to feel painful if you don't use it. Just like my gym membership.
Right? So that's, there's a lot of psychology baked into that. Um, and so you're going to make yourself use it there. So we've, we've done everything we can to increase the pain of not doing it. All right? Also included with this group is a lot of fun things. We got a writing strategy library. We also record the sessions where we have a lot of members who go back and team up together and they'll go through the recordings.
I personally do a weekly group coaching session where I kind of share something that's working or share a tool or a process or writing strategy. Uh, and we have tracking sheets because another, um, proven, uh. What do you call it? And then my mind's escaping here. A proven technique is to monitor what you want to improve.
All right, so somebody who's wanting to improve their diet, what's the first thing that all dieticians tell them to do? Keep a food journal. Same thing with writing. Keep track of your progress. So we have sheets that are built in for you to track your progress. Really celebrate the wins, and that's what we do.
Every time we do a live writing session is we celebrate the, the wins at the end. It's so fun. People, some of them have a word goals, where they write 300 words, or they finished a chapter or they finish their painting. Um, and we get to celebrate because we all know what it took to get there. And it's showing up.
Remember, it's not half the battle is the battle. There's also some bonuses that we've thrown in here. I've got a procrastination course, self-discipline course, uh, tips and tools, all kinds of goodies in here that we've baked into it. So, uh, I'll leave you with this quote from George Elliot too. It's never too late to be what you might have been.
And I always encourage my students and everybody that I'm always training to make that line in the sand. Forgive yourself for your past failures or your past, uh, commitments that you've failed to keep to yourself. You can always start, it's never too late. And remember, it's better to start stupid, silly, small than it is to start grand and not be able to keep that.
So I hope you guys have enjoyed that. I hope that made sense to you. I'd be happy to stick around. Uh, Jay, answer any questions we have. I know it kind of dove deep down the psychology rabbit hole here, but, uh, I wanted to post a quick, um. A quick link here where you guys can access and try out this, um, unchanged writer group for 42% off.
So let me grab that link.
Thanks buddy. I already, I just put that link in the questions box there…
Great. You already answered.
Holy cow! What a presentation. I feel inspired here. Now I want, I want to, uh, I want you to, I want to join you. I want you to help me lose 20 pounds of weight. Now, anyone else feeling inspired?
What a great presentation. I love that quote. It's never too late to be what you might have been. Holy cow. Um, I hate, I experienced both like sadness when we were talking about the what, what has prevented you. Right? Uh, in the past. And what's it going to feel like when you finally leap over this hurdle and, uh, and just, let, give yourself permission to succeed.
That's basically what we're talking about here. And so I want to thank you for this training. This has been really good and I love the psychology behind it. Uh, as, as you mentioned, and if you feel a sense of relief right now, like I do, knowing that writer's block is not an incurable disease for you, you might consider joining, uh, Joe's private writing group and coaching group.
It's, it's the best out there. I cannot recommend it highly enough. Uh, in any case, I think the, uh, if, I think today's training alone is going to. Fantastic resource for members in its own right. But if, if you feel like, accountability is maybe the missing thing for you in getting this stuff done right in, in getting, your current book project finished and published and generating sales for you finally, however long it's been, then this could be a huge relief for you and this could be instrumental in helping you move forward.
It's funny, I didn't even know we actually have a. Luna on the, on the call here is actually a member. Apparently. She said I joined Unchained writer and wrote 45,000 words in two weeks. I love my one hour sessions. Even when I'm late, I show up. Yeah. That's the accountability part. Right then. Sits so effective and so, so much fun, you know?
And it's not just you. I love that. It's not just you, but, but you're actually logging in and there's hundreds of other people sort of in the same boat doing the same thing, getting it done. And that's what it's all about for me. So thanks for, thank you for this presentation. Thanks for this, this awesome.
Uh, um. Opportunities to, for folks to join you and your coaching group if that's something that you're interested in doing. And if you have a question for Joe regarding any of the information that he covered here today. Oh, Tina, it's just says, I'm loving this on Shane writer's program. Joseph is an Austin teacher.
Yeah, isn't he? Uh, I love, I love the plain thing. I wish I was as clear and concise when I, when I attempt it explaining, um, some of my complex ideas and psychology as you are buddy. And, uh, I think that's, that's one of your real gifts and thanks for, thanks for sharing that with us here today. Oh, you
Well, thank you guys. And you know what the, the other thing I'll mention here real quick too is a lot of creatives, writers, like by nature, it can be a very isolating activity and the amount of community that is just really, it's amazing, Jay, I got to tell ya, I like it. It's blown me away. What started as an experiment and now I am actually a part of it.
The amount of momentum that you can gain from a group environment is just amazing. And this comes from, I'm all in introvert, so it's usually pretty hard for me to join a lot of groups, but the technology we have today, it just makes it so
cool. You know, I'm, I, I totally agree with you as a, as an, uh.
Former English major and a writer myself. I know that the creative life is, it can be a lonely life, especially if you're working from home and combine that with, the idea of, uh, of self entrepreneurship, which I think most of the people on this call are aspiring to in the first place. Right.
Cause we're actually, we're not just writing books, we're publishing them to Amazon and other platforms in the hopes that. Yeah. We share it with other people and, and they, they actually purchase these products of ours and, uh, and, and gain value from it. And in doing so, we actually, get, uh, uh, generate income.
That's the end. That's the goal. At the end of the day. I know personally doing this for 10 years, that the creative life and the entrepreneurial life can be a lonely life. And that's why I think, something like this too. To be involved in a group like this who is all moving forward. Uh, this idea of accountability with the other members is so important, and it might be the missing ingredient for you if, if you were thinking, Holy cow, why can't I just get this done?
Why can't I just get this book project? Why can't I just get this whatever I'm working on done? Yeah. And I think that, um. What I found when I have been a part of economy groups like this myself, is that there's carry over from this idea of yes, making progress on my book project. There's carry over to other, other, um, facets of my life that maybe I'm procrastinating about as well.
And so, um, it's really an interesting ripple effect. Uh, and I, I'm really. I'm grateful for making this available to our folks because I know it's, I know it's going to help a lot of people and we have a testimonials from members I didn't even know we had on, on chain writers, uh, numbers on the training here today.
Congratulations. Um, everyone who's jumping in here today, everyone who's already a member, I know you guys are doing the right thing and this is going to help if nothing else does the part, the thing about right? So, um, Joe and I are both. Uh, product creators, information, how to product creators. And what I've found is that.
Um, these trainings that we do with apex authors from week to week really help people stay on track, stay connected, get focused, uh, and, and, kick out the jams with some of these projects that they've been doing. And you need that kind of third force is what I found. Because, my own, my own willpower is not always, sadly, not always enough.
And so if that seems to be the case for you as well, this could be the perfect thing. In any case, if you have any questions for Joe, let us know. Type it into the questions box. I think I flagged a couple here. One second. One second. Um, but if you have a question for Joe, we're going to be on for, uh, at least.
You know, five more minutes to round this out at the top of the hour. Tiffany Ashley had a question from early in the presentation, said, um, we should take college writing classes just so that we get forced to write. Wait a minute. That meant, let me read this again. That meant we should take college writing classes just so that we get forced.
To write, I think, I think Tiffany was referring to, um, some information that you presented. Oh, I know what it was. I think it was when you, it, when you looked at those three groups, that people who were told not to write, the people who wrote only when they're inspired, and then the people in the third group who actually were on a regular writing schedule and the results that they saw.
Um, yeah, I think that makes sense. If I understand your question, Tiffany. That, uh, take college writing classes so we get forced to write. That's kind of the idea. What would you, do you think that's, um, do you think that's, do you draw, can you draw any parallels yourself, Joe, between, um, the, uh, uh, an actual writing and an accountability group and, uh, maybe taking writing or English classes in school.
Yeah. So, Jay, I always tell people everybody's got a different thing that they know is really going to be like their trigger. And so whatever that is, um, set it for yourself. You know, like for me as a product creator, a lot of times I struggle with these things just like anybody else. And, uh, for me like scheduling, for instance, a live webinar a week from now to launch my product that isn't finished, right.
Somehow magically, I ended up finishing it, right? Like when we have to. And so those are kind of like some things I set for myself. And, um, the, one of the reasons we created the sunshine rider group was it does fill that sense of a forced, uh, writing. Like, I've, I've committed to this, I'm paying for it.
And once you join, I know people start seeing your name and they start kind of expecting you there. And it really. It really just works. It's quite amazing.
It's kind of like Peloton for writing. I know. We, uh, it was along the lines of what you were saying, buddy, with, uh, getting a gym membership because you'll know you're only going to go if you're paying $97 a month or whatever it is right.
Certainly this is $97 a month, but it's the same idea. We just got a Peloton, right? Because we're hunkered down mode where we're not making it to the gym. And, uh, and it's been, and that's kind of, part of the deal as well. It's like, well, I'm paying for this crap. I might as well, I'm wise, we'll use this right.
Absolutely. Yeah. I look for ways that I can, like I said, increase the pain, not break the bank, but I definitely don't mind investing a little bit like for a gym membership for Peloton. Those things make me feel like I've got to do them
And you've got skin in the game.
Beth says, Hey, what time are the sessions each day in on chain writer and are they daily sessions?
Are they weekly sessions?
Ah, great question. Yeah. So actually I do have a couple slides here that shows you a little bit about the process. I think we'll probably answer most all of your questions that want to know a little bit about the process itself. So, um, here's a little bit how it works. Uh, each week we actually have 10 different writing sessions to choose from.
So there is at least one session every day of the week. We did. We did a lot of analysis on world time zones, and let me tell you when to talk about a rabbit hole. Trying to find times that fit everybody's time zone is a puzzle in itself. We think we've, we've solve that code pretty well, and that's kind of what we did with our 10 different times a week.
Some days we have two writing sessions and am and a PM basically staggered so that we can accommodate all the different. You know, time zones throughout the world. We've got people, we're, we're doing a morning session at 7:30 AM Jay and for somebody else in part of the world, they're getting ready to go to bed after the session.
It's amazing. Um, and we basically, we show up just like this picture here. We set a time, or you see a countdown on the screen, um, just like, and you can look at that, refer to that, and we come back and then we. We share wins. This is kind of what a session looks like just for you guys. We have, um, we use a program called Crowdcast.
It works really well for us. We can see the live chat. So it really is the community there. How's, they do encourage people to actually share their wins, share what they're working on.
Ahh, so I've never seen that platform before…
Yeah. So it's, it's really fun, especially when we come together at the end because we say, all right, how'd you guys do?
How do you feel? And you just got so many people going, sharing their results. Something they were stuck on for, months they've been able to unlock. Um. And so it's just amazing. It's super simple. Like I said, we share a screen like this, I do a little welcome and say, all right, everybody got the goal?
You know what you're going to work on. We set the timer, timer's going. Um, and it's amazing how fast the 60 minutes go when you get into the flow, because we know it's the hardest part is just making us start right. And then once the time is up, like I said, we come up, we share results in Jay. We've just got pages and pages of these testimonials that come in from people of the stuff that you know, that they say.
It's just amazing.
Amazing. Look at the goals and look at the a and liquid they've accomplished up there. Sarah's his goal, 1500 words a day, actual 2,138 yeah. That's once you get on a roll and once this becomes a habit, a daily habit for you, and that's really the secret to all of this. Um, once this becomes a, they say you have to do something 28 times for it to become a habit for you to, for you to actually, internalize it and, and do it yourself.
That's what we're, that's the value here. And the fact that, and I love the goals, the idea of. Of goal setting. And how would it feel to actually blast past your, that goal that you set for you that maybe seemed so unattainable or even just like, um, as if, like you're throwing it out there.
Sure. 1500 words a day and you blast pass it and you, and you do two or 3000 a day. That's, that's what it's all about. And that's, that's a real value of what we're talking about right here with this, uh, with an accountability group like this.
Yeah. And another psychology tidbit here, that what's happening is as these people are showing up, what you start to tell yourself becomes different.
You know? Instead of saying, gosh, I could never sit down to write, or I never finished what I start. Instead you start telling yourself a different story, right? Like, wow, I can meet my goals. I can be a consistent writer. And that snowball effect, man, it is just, it's so powerful.
Brilliant. Brilliant. Um, Nellis is a writer's group.
Sounds awesome. Yeah. Who does that? Who, who has a writers group that meets every day? Um, I don't know anyone who has a program like that. That's a, we answered the time. It's variable times to accommodate people from, uh, in different, uh. Settings and countries and time zones. Tiffany says, I signed up. What next?
Good question.
Yeah. What next? So the thing to do, you'll, you'll see a whole list of kind of instructions of, Hey, here's, here's what to get familiar with. We do have a private Facebook group as well. So if you want to engage further in the community, we share wins, or if you want to post a little bit about what you're working on or something you wrote, they want to share with the group.
So we do have a Facebook group where we can chat outside of the live sessions. Um, I think somebody asks. How many can we join? And so we have some people who join every day of the week, like they'll show up to every session. Um, now you're not obligated to, there's some that can, because of schedules, they can just meet one, one of the times a week.
And, but, uh, we've got a lot of variety. And so, like I said, some people even show up and they go through and do the replay together. So it's amazing.
I love it on. Kathleen has a question and if you have a question, go ahead and type it into the, into the questions box. We'll be out for a couple more minutes, but we will be logging off here pretty soon.
Kathleen says, is there a way to connect with people in the group outside of the writing time? That's a great question.
Yeah, absolutely. So again, we encourage folks to use our Facebook group for that, and a lot of folks will, they'll connect while they're live and then there'll be like, Hey, I'll meet you back over on the Facebook group.
We'll continue the conversation over there. And that's where people even say, Hey, I'm getting ready to go fire up yesterday's replay. Anybody want to join me? You know? And they'll start getting their own little momentum going over there. So it's really cool to see. Really just the momentum. And so if you're struggling to get that thing started and keep the ball rolling and you know, you've got people, we're human.
We are, we, we fall off the wagon and so we can have the opportunity to just jump back on the wagon and get the momentum rolling. I just fired up and join him in the next live writing session. And so, uh, it's, it's a lot of fun. And Jay, I've done a lot of training programs. I've created a lot of stuff. This, by far has been the most rewarding thing that I've gotten to be a part of.
I love it. It's so valuable. Matt says, I joined based on this call here today. Congratulations, Matt. Uh, same with CIS as I signed up too. Um, I'm not surprised. This is a, uh, this is, this is unlike anything, I wish I had thought of this myself, but I'm glad that somebody did. And I can't imagine a better coach, uh, to be, to be at the, at the controls of these groups then than, than Joe.
So, um, you're absolutely in good hands. I signed up to says calling, and I'm excited to get going. Congratulations. You guys have made a super smart decision here today. If it's not an, if it's not for you, that's totally okay as well. Um, but I, I think it has been so important and worthwhile, uh, to bring this topic up, offer this solution right.
And leave it up to folks on the training. If you think that you would benefit from a dedicated writer's group, if you think that you would benefit from an accountability, right. That third force, like we were talking about, if you'd be thrilled to have Joe's your own personal writing coach moving forward, then you know, there's nothing like this, this program, literally, and I cannot recommend it enough.
And so I think we've covered. All of the questions here except, Oh, now it says it's, this seems like it would be very positive. I've been in and out of the hospital still dealing with issues from covert. God bless you, mail. I hope you're feeling better. Yes. No. Now wants to know, would this be available at a later date?
Uh, it will be available at a later date. I'm just not, I can't guarantee that it'll be at the reduced price. So you can always join the group. Like I said, at the $47 a month range. Um, but right now we're making this available for the next, uh, what do you say, three, four days, Jay, for you to be able to come in, uh, check it out.
Um. We really, I just want to remind everybody, there's absolutely no pressure in the group. We're very laid back. Um, yes, it's $27 a month. You're grandfathered in for that rate, so you'll never pay more than that, which is, um, which is amazing, but you can also cancel at any time. And so I always tell people, Hey, you know what?
Try it out. Uh, and if all this did was help you make progress on one of those projects you've been putting off, wouldn't that be worth 27 bucks for you to try it for a month? And who knows? It could spur a whole bunch of ideas, which I'm pretty confident at will based on some of those studies, but you really got nothing to lose.
So, and of course, um, like I said, you can cancel anytime, stay as long as you like. Um, we just try to make it easy and for the people.
Thanks for the discount, buddy. I really appreciate it. I didn't, I actually did not know that you were going to do that, but, um, I guess this, this is a special deal for, uh, for folks that are on this training for existing apex authors, members and children's books members.
Um, so I, I did not know that that was the case. I didn't know the regular price is 47 bucks. So thanks for the, uh, that really significant discount there, making that available to my folks.
Yeah, you bet, man. I'll post our support email here as well. Just if you guys have any questions we didn't get to or any trouble with your orders or anything like that, you can email [email protected] and we'll be sure to take care of you.
Fantastic. Uh, okay. Best as that just joined. I'm really excited about this. Congratulations, Beth. I know that this is going to help.
Um, awesome.
Okay. Karen says, do you have a resource for a local writer's group, which could use the same concept with its writers?
Uh, unfortunately I don't, when I was creating this, I was really digging deep and trying to study, um, different writing groups and I had a hard time finding them.
And that was the problem. And especially nowadays with, I mean, well, goodness, I've been so thankful for this, that our community is just completely, um. They've been loving it during this whole stay at home time. We're experiencing, and some of them are like, this literally saved my sanity to feel like I have a place to join, people digitally.
Um, but I'm afraid I don't have any, in-person resources. But I would challenge you, I didn't think it could be as effective as it is joining digitally. Uh, but, and I think a lot of members feel the same way when they're joining. Um, I, I would challenge you to try it out. It's surprisingly effective.
Fantastic. And Bruce says, if we cancel for a period, can we rejoin at 27 as I understand it, uh, my folks are Evelyn, who's jumping in here today. If you, if you're on this training or you can, you're, you're watching the replay, uh, that it's available for 27, but that the real price is 47. So if you, I don't, I don't know what the deal is.
Shall we? If someone cancels, is that gonna be available at a later date, even though the regular price is 47.
Um, well, I mean, I'm not gonna lie. It could be, but I can't guarantee it will be. Uh, it just depends what we're doing. Uh, we've, we're have a lot of plans to add a lot of stuff to it. Uh, so my team and I've actually been talking about raising the rates a little bit.
Um, and a lot of our, a lot of my business friends are already telling me I'm crazy. Like, you should minimum $97 a month for this.
I mean, the value is really off the charts. So, um, in any case, uh, either way, I really appreciate you making this available to my members and at this, at this big discount.
I didn't know that you were going to do this. And congratulations to everyone jumping in here. It looks like we've answered all the questions. If you've got a last minute question, just go ahead and type it in. Maybe we can get to that calling it this. Thanks so much for the discount. Yeah. Amen. I really appreciate it, Joe, and I think, I think.
I think that's it. We will, uh, we'll be getting this recording. I know. I want to see this. I want to see Joe's presentation again, uh, afterwards. And if you do as well, we will be getting the recording. From Joe. I'm sorry, not from Joe. We'll be processing the recording ourselves and we will send it to all apex authors, members.
We'll post it on the site. We'll send it to children's book members that are on the call here today so that you can watch it again and at your convenience. The presentation itself, uh, was really a lot of stuff that I had never heard of before. So, um, in any case. Thanks so much, Joe. I really appreciate you and making this available.
Saya a second. That emotion says, thank you. It's Jay for bringing Joe in and thank you. I'm, I love it. Love, love. It says Tiffany. God bless you, says, man. Thank you so much. Hope to return to health. I hope so too, Mel, please. Um, we want to see you next week, okay. And the week after that and the week after that.
So please do whatever you need to do to, to, to take care and get healthy and keep us posted on your recovery. Okay. You bet. Uh, Joe, thank you so much, buddy. You know how much I appreciate you and everything that you do and everything that you stand for and thanks for making this available. Thanks for the presentation here today.
Oh, thanks for having me, Jay. It's been my pleasure.
Take care everybody. I will see you same time next week, same bat channel, same bat time. I believe, Blaine… We're on schedule for regular time next week, next Wednesday at 1:00 PM Eastern time. Is that correct?
That is correct.
Next week, we've actually got Keri from New Shelves Books on the queue, and then hot seats will be in two weeks.
All right? Forget, forget everything that I just said, but you can still send us your, any questions that you want us to add to the Q. A. We've got Keri from New Shelves Books going to be talking about another, uh, book marketing, uh, topic to be determined here this week.
And I am so excited for all new, uh, Unchained writer members. Uh, thanks Joe. I really appreciate you, buddy. Congratulations to everyone. Have a fantastic week and I'll talk to you all real soon. Please take care. Stay healthy. I'll see you next Wednesday.
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