10 Habits and Practices to Believe You’re a Real Author

There’s a vicious cycle budding authors fall into every day, and is has stalled or quashed entirely many a writing career. Everybody takes Stephen King seriously as a writer. Ditto J.K. Rowling and even Stephanie Myers. But for us self-published Kindle authors who still have a day job, things are a little different. 

Which means our partners and friends don’t consider our writing a profession. Which means they feel free to interrupt our writing time with tasks and requests. Which means we don’t write enough to “go pro” full time with our writing. Which means our partners and friends don’t consider our writing a profession….

…it’s the circle of life as a beginning author. You break it by taking yourself seriously and considering yourself a real author with a real career. If you start believing you’re a real writer, the people around you will as well. Here are ten things you can do to begin living that change within yourself.