Training #287 – Hot Seats & Ask Us Anything

In this live training, we covered Steve Young's children's book, Audrey Bruckner's illustrated children's book, Loretta Cowles non-fiction/self-help book,

We covered topics that include book titles, cover image choices, book pricing, Amazon Advertising, modeling best-selling books in your genre, book description formatting, gathering reviews, copyright and fair use of quotations, optimizing your Look Inside and the book's front matter, editing and cropping your covers, finding people to edit your images on Fiverr, the cost of printing black & white ($2.15 base price) versus color ($3.65 base price) in KDP Print, private label rights, repurposing content for building relationships, when to remove a book from sale, verifying content through copyscape to make sure it isn't plagiarized, pre-orders, whether to sell Kindle first or print first and why we generally recommend Kindle first as a strategy.