Training #320 – Hot Seats and Ask Us Anything

On this Hot Seats and Ask Us Anything session, we actually covered quite a lot of ground in addition to the specific hot seats and questions answered:

  • A hot seat for Lindsay Harvey's children's ABC book.
  • Faith Nelson's question about where to promote a discounted book.
  • Colleen McCorkell's question about whether there are still Facebook groups for promoting books.
  • A hot seat for Ingrid Quintas's cover for her non-fiction self help book.
  • Vicky Wong's question about book launches and how often to put books out.
  • Vicky Wong's question about improving Amazon Advertising.
  • Una Medina's question about opening an Amazon account and if you need a corporate name or not.
  • Una Medina's question about using Amazon Associate links in your books.
  • Judy Rushfeldt's question about how to use Amazon Advertising when they won't approve your ads due to the topic of your book.
  • Sharon Lang's question about submitting a book to Amazon.
  • Janet Chandler's question about how long a children's book should be and the readability score for that book.
  • Ilene Baranowitz's question about printing in color through CreateSpace (which is now KDP Print.)
  • Karen Wolff's question about simultaneous publication/launch of books in different languages such as English and Spanish.
  • Faith Nelson's question about advertising and promoting poetry on Amazon.
  • Audrey Hinds' question about launching the Kindle and paperback versions of a book at the same time.