Training #419 – Ask Us Anything

In this “Ask Us Anything” training, we covered:

  • Erin's next pop-up help desk session will be on how to use MailChimp.
  • Katherine Motley's question about the bestseller rank not appearing on paperbacks.
  • Anita Grayson's question about creating a print on demand edition and how it's different from the Kindle version.
  • Jamie Dowden's questions about PDF's being visible in Google search results and about stopping people from stealing your books and reselling them on pirate sites.
  • Susanne Valla's question about reviews not appearing after being submitted.
  • Don Kreuter's question about where to find the review guidelines.
  • Chiwah Slater's questions about whether launching her book following the model from Brad Gray's case study is still valid, and about how to use a quote in her book if she only has permission to distribute in certain regions.
  • Suzanne McQueen's question about how to use GoodReads to promote your books and what to do if your book isn't on there.
  • Ayetoro Akinloye's question about what picture to use if you have a pen name, especially if that pen name is a different genre.
  • Jamie Dowden's question about whether you should have a different author central page for each pen name.