Training #457 – Ask Us Anything and Public Domain News

This week marks the end of 2022, which means that Sunday is a new Public Domain Day!

We had a packed “Ask Us Anything” session this week; here is what we covered:

  • Apple Books Digital Narration is now available through Draft2Digital (news)
  • Public Domain Day is this Sunday (and Canada extends copyright another 20 years!) (news)
  • Does artwork fall into the public domain? (Suzanne McQueen)
  • Do you need a LCCN (Library of Congress Control Number) on your copyright page? (Suzanne McQueen)
  • How do you add your book into multiple categories? (Suzanne McQueen)
  • How does the Push Button Publishing Chrome extension help you choose categories with keyword requirements? (Suzanne McQueen)
  • What should go onto the back cover of a print book? (Danny Barwald)
  • Does back cover text help with your discoverability through search on Amazon? (Elaine Godinez)
  • Who owns the copyright for images created through Fiverr? (Danny Barwald)
  • Can you use images commercially that were created using Canva Pro? (Elaine Godinez)
  • How can people sell my books on Amazon for a few dollars more than me, and should I try to stop them? (Michelle Berlin)
  • Who holds the copyright if you write a book for somebody else? (Chiwah Slater)
  • What are some best practices for running ads on Amazon? (Suzanne McQueen)
  • Should I run ads continuously or just during a launch? (Elaine Godinez)
  • Should we be promoting our books on #BookTok? (Elaine Godinez)
  • Can you write books in somebody else's universe (like MineCraft or AmongUs, etc?) (Larry Darnell)
  • How the End Poem for MineCraft entered the Public Domain (news)