24 Ways to Grow Your Readership with YouTube

Have you ever considered creating a YouTube channel to promote your books? On one hand, video outperforms both images and text-only content by a factor of ten. People share it more, interact with it longer, and make more buying decisions per impression than either of those other factors. On the other hand, it does require some skills not all authors already have. This can be intimidating. 

But here’s the thing. 

It doesn’t require that much. If you have a smart phone (and who doesn’t?), you can make a good video and post it directly to YouTube. You don’t even have to do too much with the description. That means using YouTube to grow your base of fans and followers is well within the reach of most authors. Let’s look at a couple dozen great methods for using this exciting social media platform to build your writing brand.

24 YouTube Marketing Methods for Independent Authors

Image by Gerd Altmann.